Member-only story
Look UP
We all need a little down time in our lives. Part of mine is my dog walks. I try to walk the dogs a few miles every day. I’ve been lengthening my walks since we started RVing. Walking trails is much prettier than walking in a neighborhood, so I like longer walks now. It’s good exercise and gives me time to think.
Today, I was thinking about a time I went ice skating once with a very good friend of mine, Dan Ferris. Dan is an athlete; a majorly good athlete. Even at age 52, he wins beach volleyball tournaments.
I’m not really much of an athlete. Though I played many sports, I’ve never been great at any of them. Why? I’m a klutz. So when Dan and I went ice skating years ago, I was very nervous. I kept holding onto the wall or to Dan. At one point, he looked at me and said very kindly, “Don’t concentrate on not falling, concentrate on skating.” He was right. I immediately got better at skating. I was never good, but I had more fun.
I doubt he has any idea that I think on that piece of advice often. We often let our fear of failing keep us from enjoying the journey we are on. If we stop worrying about failing, we can succeed at what we are trying.
I’ve been asked more than a few times how long we think we’ll live in an RV. The honest answer is we have no idea. This is a great experiment for us. We may be done in a couple of years or we may keep going for a decade. That is part of the adventure. I’m not worried we will “fail” at this lifestyle. We will enjoy it until we don’t and then we will try something new. We are not concentrating on not falling, we are concentrating on the journey. Thanks Dan.